The silliest site ever!

This website is a.. blog? I dont know what to call it. I guess it's just a silly little website :3
My name is yippee, and if you think im going to use a typing quirk T|-|EN Y(-)U W(-)ULD BE MIST/-\KEN
This is my first website as why it's so bad
This website was build from the ground up using pure html and css. WYSIWYG is for losers.
If you want you can add a badge to your website that links to my website!!! Just copy this

I'm currently: The current mood of neotrenton at

Updates and stuff
7/33/24: Finished our nekoweb migration and changed the yellow and pink to blue and pink.

7/32/24: Migrated to nekoweb!!!!!!!!!!!!! yippee!!

7/28/24: MORE GAMES + page on how to read homestuck

7/27/24: Figured since school was starting I would add games :3

7/6/24: Changed the song of the week, ive been pretty busy so i havent been able to update the site.

6/28/24: Fixed the the header so that any monitor size can view the site, also changed the song of the week (shout out chonny jash)

6/26/24: Tried to make the website mobile freindly. Key word "TRIED." That's why the isaacs are messed up right now

6/22/24: Filled out some of the right-hand bar and finished the extras tab

6/21/24: Finished all the CSS stuff, made extras and navigation, and fixed some of the pins